Out of Hours
Strawberry - madness
The strawberry time is coming. This means strawberryjam for winterseason. Today we have done as a team 71 arts, but this is not the end…..plus strawberry cake and strawberry ice cream.
27.05.2018. Run for the crown princess Dabrowka
You can find the details on following web site: http://www.koronadabrowki.pl/home.
This time we have been running 10km. The first time this year, but not least. Very high temperatures (app. +30C grad) were not helpful, but we managed to do this!
Delicious food
As I said at the very beginning, I’m a fan of cooking and baking. Today I will show you my delicious dishes. The first one, the soup with shrimps an the second one, cake with plums (very good for the morning picnic).
29.04.2018 I Marcelin Run
For the first time we were invited to the competitions Spring Marcelin Run, which you for sure know well from Autumn and Winter Marcelin Run. This time a pace was 5km, 10km or 15 km in forest on natural surface. Aim of this event was:
- Popularization of running and walking as the simplest form of movement and a part of healthy life style
- The possibility to check strength and capabilities in sport competition
- Acquainted with advantages of Marcelin Forest
We are very proud of ourselves because we improved the times from the beginning of this month.
08.04.2018 Economic Five
For the eight time took place in Poznan a run Hendi Economic Five. Hundreds of runners got involved in this run. 5km pace was over the Malta Lake. Me as a graduate of Economic University was obliged to take part, together with my studies college Karolina. Currently we are preparing for the next running, to improve our results…
Gingerbread 2017
The first weekend of december we always bake home made gingerbread. And the next weekend we decorate. Since years its our tradicion! Children have got fun and spend time with their loving mammy.

Sport Activities
I support and value all sport acitivities and determination to achive the goals.

On 1th of October 2017 took place a Run on Cytadela in Poznań (http://kobietawbiegu.pl/pl/wydarzenie/bieg-kobiet-poznaniu). Just for remember, this event ist dedicated for women, against the breasts cancer. Of course I had to be there!

Outside of work, my next great passion is sport. I am a fitness instructor and I love intensive sports activities such as jogging, cross fit, abt.